Friday, October 15, 2010

Mike Klingler's Climate of Hype review and alternative marketing.

I have covered a lot of ground so far this month.  You have been exposed to newer forms of marketing referred to as Pay Per View aka PPV and contextual based marketing. These alternative forms of non-google traffic sources are only the beginning. 

In my tests in the PPV marketing arena I have revealed that YOU CAN BRING A LOT of traffic to a website using this type of marketing.  However, whether or not that traffic will convert is still unknown.  I have not personally witnessed a satisfactory convergence ratio so I still cannot recommend you start using it until I can crack the PPV conversion formula.


Note: My plan was to next introduce you to another “newer” form of marketing involving facebook.  I was in the middle of doing my research when a bit of controversy landed on my facebook wall.  After I watched a video from Mike Klingler, I decided to take him up on his challenge.  Watch my video above for the story.

As the result of watching Mike Klingler’s webinar, I have decided to suspend my review/recommendation of Facebook advertising until I can put into context the nature of the “controversy”. For the record, it is NOT that I don’t believe that facebook advertising can deliver.   (I COMPLETELY DO) It has more to do with my belief that unless you are properly trained you should not be part of the “herd mentality”.  You should first have a complete understanding of the concept of being a unique internet marketer, branded in your passion and leading with value first.

Watch my video or visit my blog for more information and thanks for your understanding.



PS. I will most likely be doing a review on Mike Klinglers Marketing Funnel Mastery program as I am very close to purchasing his program.